So finally after such a long time, I took the plunge & went "full monty" with my head.Translated, I shaved my head :). My hairs were coarse, full of dandruff (ewww..), falling & turning grey, and that's when I realized, it is time for "a new beginning". Apart from that I wanted to do it at least once till it is in my hand (or on my head :P ), just another tick on my 'bucket list' :).
What I really found interesting were some of the responses (though I must admit, not completely unexpected :P ) :
Here are some of them ( in no particular order ) :
- Inability to recognize me from 2 feets away when they saw me for the first time. One of my friend called me 'Chotu' and almost asked me to bring him some chaai.
- Why ? Why ? Why ? ( with supressed laughter juxstaposed with shock... I would interpret it as awe ,courtesey my glorious GoBaldyLook :P ). Supressed laughter later turned into uncontrollable hoo..hoo..haa..haa...with the clutching of the stomach and a pointed finger at me.
- What happened ? (almost a shreik !!! ), Gum got stuck in your hair ?
- Everything alright at home (Owing to a Hindu tradition ), I quickly reassured them that nothing of the sort has happened and then can go ahead, laugh and make fun of me. Everyone obliged :)
- The priceless open mouth with popping eyes.
- The rhetorical question, "Dude .. what the F*&^$ ?"
- The mean and loud laugh (It hurts.. man :( , coming from the person who knows how to do it)
Stay Beautiful
P.S. : I am not going to post a pick of my own, enough people made fun of me already hoo hoo :D