
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wandering Thoughts

  • The farther one seems to be from happiness, the more he tends to write (fairly personal observation)
  • Within my astonishing normalcy, lies the traces of my undeniable insanity.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Keeping a Secret

Sometimes when you stumble upon a truth which is so secret that it can make or break someone's life (or at least change it for better or for worse), what do you do ? As a social animal your first impulse is to share it with someone in confidence, consoling yourself that you can ask the other person to keep it to himself and not tell it to anyone. In this simple way, we pass on our burden to someone else, though knowing fully well that secret if told to someone else will always reach even further, like water which always finds a way to leak.

Or you can simply choose to ignore it and move on with life as you were going to. Sometimes people deserve to keep their secrets to themselves, and one should respect that. Easier said than done, but it seems to me a nobler choice, and what are we if we don't try to be noble once in while ?

Well, you know the answer.

Stay Beautiful.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


When you are really sad, you appreciate people who just stay quiet and let you cry your heart out.